Our Service
Aollen is one of leading raw material supplier in the industry. We devote ourselves to create a platform for our clients to meet all their needs, and constantly focus on customer satisfaction. We are actively involved in a number of manufacturing and joint venture partners with Chinese factories in which we are shareholders. These activities have further strengthened ties and provided a stable base from which to offer a premium service to our clients.
Aollen’s management team has over ten years experience within the Chinese market and has established strong links with major manufacturing and trading organizations. Our products are sold all over the world with best reputation.
It is Aollen’s mission to provide high quality products to the market. In order to meet the highest quality criteria,Aollen has integrated a high level Quality Department. Aollen have been cerficated by FAMI-QS, all of our supplier are alsocertificated by FAMI-QS too.
Being a supplier of feed additives, we only partner with basic producers, which are market leaders in their field. With all its partners, Aollen has a long lasting historical relation. Moreover, all the supplied products are routineously checked for active contents and all possible impurities and contaminants, according to strict internal standards.